Producing Alice?


I was just reading your answers to the Alice questions and you said that you would make the Alice series into movies and I just thought that was an amazing idea. To capture Alice’s life in a lens would be incredibly hard as nothing can capture the true feeling you get when reading the Alice books but it would be so cool to portray the story in a different way. This leads me to my actual question: would you ever let the Alice series become a series of movies that are just like the books? or would you rather it be loosely based like Alice Upside Down? Or not adapted like the books at all? I would really like to know because I feel like it would be one heck of a series! Thank you so much for writing the books, The Alice series has been my favorite book series when I was nine years old. You’re the best!


Phyllis replied

I would probably like them to be as much like the books as possible.  Once a scriptwriter begins changing the characters or adding scenes that change the whole flavor of the story, then the real stories are watered down or blown up so much that they don’t seem like real life.  But a movie can also add drama where it helps the story, so I can’t say I would be against a really good TV series.  So much depends on the director, the casting, and the screenplay….

Posted on: February 26, 2019


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