Quarter Life Crisis?


I just want to say thank you so much for sharing Alice with the world. I started reading the Alice books in the 6th grade. I read the books faithfully throughout middle and high school and then when I got to college my pleasure reading time all but dried up. I randomly thought about the series again last week when my 8 year old niece asked me what books I liked to read when I was younger. Almost 15 years later, as I turn 25 in August, I bought Now I’ll Tell You Everything on Amazon 2 days ago and I’m writing you this message because I finished the book and I’m not sure what to do with myself haha. I didn’t realize how badly I wanted to know about what happened to Alice and Patrick and Pamela and Liz and Gwen and all of the characters I’d grown to cherish. Realizing that I’m turning 25 this year has been such a shock to me because it always seemed so far away and “adult”. Reading about Alice in college and her journey there and then as a young adult being a new wife and mother was really crazy for me because I couldn’t imagine having gotten married 2 years ago at 23. I’m really glad that I saw this series through to the end. It’s helped to give me perspective on what I hope to look forward to in the future and given me reassurance that life can turn out good even through all of the hurdles and stumbles in your way. I’ve always liked to think that I have a little bit of Alice in me and finishing the last book really made me see it. I’m proud to say that I am one of the many girls that made a connection to Alice and will cherish her stories always.


Phyllis replied:

Thanks so much for taking time to write to me.  Everyone’s life is different from others in some ways, and the same in some ways.  How we react to the various things that happen to us has a lot to do with how content we are in our lives, but it’s also true that life isn’t fair.  And I so admire people who are dealt a bad hand, yet they manage to make something of themselves.  I had to smile at your being shocked that you finally reached the grand old age of 25.  Enjoy, enjoy!

Posted on: May 9, 2018


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