Question: I love your series about the Hattfords and Maloys. What is the series actually called?

Dear Phyllis, I love your series about the Hattfords and Maloys. What is the series actually called? Have you ever thought about turning the books into movies? I would love to watch movies based on the series. Let me know if they do get turned into movies, okay?

PHYLLIS Replied:
It’s strange, because we’ve never formally named those twelve books. The editor and I call them the “boys/verus/girls” books, or “boys against girls” series, or “boy/girl” books. The first two books are titled, “The Boys Start the War,” and “The Girls Get Even.” The very last book is called, “Who Won the War?” I too think they would make a fun series for TV, but so far we haven’t had any offers.

Posted on: January 29, 2009


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