Question: which was your favourite book?

I REALLY like your Alice books. Well…I’m definitly a fan, so are my best friends. We enjoy every minute of reading your Alice books at the library. It is very indeed hard to think that they’re fiction books. The real story is that when it comes to higher books like: Dangerously Alice, or Alice in the know, I borrow them from my friend. Sometimes she gets annoyed, but I just cant resist reading them.My 2 favourit books would be Patiently Alice and Almost Alice. I like reading each word slowly, and sometimes I immitate what either Lester or Alice say.

One question… Actually MANY questions! Not to bother you or anything, but wich was your favourit book… the favourit one you wrote. And secondly, are we allowed to ask other questions that have nothing to do with Alice books? Questions about life? And thirdly, I want to thank you for writing Alice books. It makes me feel like you understand a true girl’s feelings. Not a lot of peopls are like that…

PHYLLIS Replied:
It’s hard for me to say which of the Alice books is my favorite, because they all run together in my mind. I’m writing about a girl’s whole life, so each book runs into the next. As for questions, this website is for anything you want to say, anything you want to ask. Just remember that I’m not a doctor or a psychologist, just an enlightened grandmother who is glad to listen to whatever is on your mind.

Posted on: January 29, 2009


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