Reading Alice Since I Was in Fourth Grade

It’s definitely not an understatement when I say that I grew up together with Alice! I’m currently a senior in high school and I have been reading Alice since I was in 4th Grade, when my mom bought me Starting with Alice. I fell in love straightaway, and had to read all the books. And for the last few summers, it’s was typical for me to anticipate the release of each new book.
A couple of weeks ago I was going through a really rough time. It was a combination of stress, family issues and feeling lost, being a third culture kid who has moved all around the world. It would have been the first time I cried myself to sleep, but suddenly it struck me. I haven’t read Alice for a while, but I quickly got an Alice book, and miraculously I was comforted, I had felt better about myself. That was when I realized how much I needed Alice, and how lucky I was to have discovered this wonderful, sincere series. I’ve lived in 6 countries in 3 continents, but Alice somehow keeps me grounded and it’s like having a friend. She is admirable and mature (especially her attitude to Amy and how she is such a genuine friend to everyone!), sometimes she is childish and makes mistakes, but that’s what life about!
Thank you, for creating Alice, for bringing comfort to girls like me, for teaching us about life and for inspiring us to live it to the fullest. Thank you for helping us become a better person. Not simply becoming clones of others, not simply becoming like Alice even, but becoming a better version of ourselves. Thank you, for introducing us to a lifelong friend!!!
Phyllis replied:
Thanks so much for your email.  I’m happy to know that Alice has been your friend for a long time.  I’ve learned a lot from my readers in writing the books, too, and your letters have played a large part in the plots.

Posted on: January 24, 2011


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