
I have been reading your series since I was in 6th grade. My neighbor that moved away in 2nd grade left me with tons of books that I never bothered to look at, but one day the book “Alice in the Know” caught my eye. So I had to read it. I loved the book, not knowing it was a series, and craved to read more. I later, in the library, found the first of the Alice books and checked them out, reading non stop. I have been raving about your books for 3 years now, I’m in 9th grade now, and they are by far my favorite books ever. I am trying to collect them all. About a month or two ago, I was in the Rutgers book store with my cousin and saw “Now I’ll Tell You Everything” and began reading it. I refused to leave until I finished it. Of course, I only made it to page 7 before being dragged out. I begged daily to get the book for Christmas because I needed to know how it ended. Christmas morning, I woke up and there it was. I spent the whole day reading it. I read it slowly, although, because as much as I wanted to finish it, I never wanted it to end.

Writing you this letter now, I’m crying. I have found Alice to be like a friend, and when she reached college years, being so much older than me, a role model. I have been so invested in her life, and I’m so happy with how it turned out. When she was engaged to Dave I was so mad, I couldn’t believe that after all that, Patrick wasn’t the one. But I’m so glad that you ended it the way you did. It was so genius and I just thought it was time, now that all the books are finished, to let you know. Thank you for everything you have done for me. Alice experiences have helped me get through so much and this last book has reassured to me that everything will be worth it. You kept your books so relatable and I just don’t think I will ever be able to express how grateful I am for you creating this beautiful girl that I admire so much.

Phyllis replied:

I love hearing about girls who read one book, not knowing it was part of a series, and later discovered there were many more books.  Thank you so much for taking the time to write to me.

Posted on: January 14, 2014


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