Regrets on how you ended the series?


Dearest Mrs. Naylor, I have been a Huge fan of the Alice books since I was 11 and I just completely LOVE the way you ended it with how Alice is starting a new career as an Author and how she and Patrick reunited and got married and had children and I honestly felt joyous when I read that Alice and Patrick had a grandchild together though I felt like I was seeing a best friend grow up and leave but the endin was beautiful. Do you have any regrets on how you ended the series such as Alice and Patrick getting back together or would you have written more about menopause or are you happy with how it ended? I know I am:) also how do you come up with the title for your books?

Phyllis replied:

Once I decided that the first Alice book would become  a series (actually reviewers and readers decided this for me), I decided that anxious Alice and awkward Patrick would marry sometime in the distant future.  But in the meantime there would be breakups, other love interests, partings, distance, tragedies, surprises–all the things that make up a long life.  No, I don’t have any regrets with how it all turned out, and I’m glad that you don’t either.

Posted on: January 18, 2021


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