Replying to all of my letters


I would like to start off by saying that you are so nice and awesome for replying to not a few but ALL of my letters to you. I think you’re amazing as a writer, role model, and person. Alice has always been my ‘secret’ best friend, and I love how much I can relate to her. I’ve read all of your Alice books, from “Starting with Alice” to “Alice in Charge”, at least twice. If there’s one thing I’m positive about, it’s that I’m going to introduce Alice to my daughter when I grow up and have children. You helped me get inspired to start writing as a hobby — and now I’m on almost page 70 of the novel I’m writing. I just really hope you know how much of an inspiration, role model, and all-together fantastic woman you are. Please keep writing — I can’t live without Alice! 🙂

Phyllis replied:


I’m glad if I’ve been keeping up with your letters.  Sometimes I get so bogged down in a manuscript that I don’t get to my emails for a week or two, though I hope to do a better job.  Best of luck in your own writing.  Seventy pages is a lot!  But the number doesn’t matter as much as whether or not you are enjoying yourself and are happy with the way the words arrange themselves on paper.  And the older you get, the more you experience of life and the more you remember, the more you’ll have to write about.

Posted on: October 25, 2010


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