Rex Naylor, November 15, 1920 – May 12, 2012



I am a longtime fan of both you and Alice, and I was terribly sorry to hear about Rex. I can only begin to imagine the love you two had for each other after 52 years of marriage. I know there’s not much I can say, but I wanted you to know that I was thinking about you and offering my condolences.

Phyllis replied:

That is so kind of you.  To my readers, my husband died on May 12 of Alzheimer’s disease, which he had for many years.  But he was still the kind, patient man he’d always been up to the day he died, even though his memory was fading and he needed 24 hour care.  He was always the first person to read an Alice manuscript, and used to enjoy the dialogue between Alice and Lester so much.  He was a wonderful proofreader as well as a speller, and that’s just one of the many ways I will miss him.  Our two sons and their families will be here for the memorial service on June 23, and we will celebrate his many years as a husband, father, and speech pathologist.  My editor has given me two extra months to finish the revisions on the final Alice book, but I know my readers will understand if the book is a little late in coming out next year.

Rex Naylor

Phyllis & Rex Naylor

Posted on: June 6, 2012


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