romances between Alice and the other boys?


So, First I want to say I just finished reading the final book of the series and I was in tears of pure joy when Alice & Patrick FINALLY got married and lived happily ever after! Thank you so much for that! Well, we all know Patrick once admitted to Alice that he once thought about asking Elizabeth out but said he didn’t because he knew he’d never be able to know what she wanted. We all know Patrick’s best friend was Mark Steidmeister and I was wondering did you ever think about making Mark and Alice date or did Mark ever like Alice romantically?

Phyllis replied:

An interesting thought, but the longer you live, the more friends you make of the opposite sex that are just friends, not romantic possibilities.  When you’re growing up, especially in middle school, I think, you can hardly be seen with a boy and everybody starts getting ideas of romance.  It’s nice sometimes just to have a guy you can talk to about a lot of things, see their perspective on life.  See how funny or smart or original they can be without “love” getting in the picture.

Posted on: April 13, 2021


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