Sad about Shiloh


I strongly think that the book Shiloh is amazing and wonderful. One reason why it is so good is because it is sad, and I like sad books. To add on about it being sad, Judd Travers always kicks Shiloh and is really mean to him and all his other dogs that he has.
Another reason why the story is sad is because Shiloh gets bit by the German Shepard that gets loose, that probably hurt a lot! I feel really bad for Shiloh and I bet whoever read this book would feel bad too.
What I really liked about this book was the end. I felt really relieved that Marty got Shiloh from Judd Travers. I also think that if someone read this book, Shiloh, they would love it like I did.

Phyllis replied:

I was sad too when I began writing the book, because I was writing about a real dog that I had come across in West Virginia.  I was about halfway through the manuscript when I heard from our friends there that the dog was still hanging around, so they adopted her (it was a female in real life) and named her Clover.  Books that can make you feel many different ways–anger, fear, hopeful, happy, sometimes affect us the most, and I’m so glad you loved the book.


Posted on: March 6, 2020


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