Serious Error about Shiloh edition info.


Hello, this is Narae Kim from Korea.

First of all, I would like to thank for your wonderfully beautiful story. That’s why I visited your homepage. While browsing this web site, I found out very serious misinformation about Shiloh edition.

On page where Shiloh is introduced, there is some information which is published by another country. Specifically there is Korean version of Shiloh, but the explanation about that edition says that version from Japan. This is totally wrong. Not matched the picture of book and explanation.

Considering huge impact of you and your book, it would be misleading people. Thus please correct this issue as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance.


Phyllis replied:

I’m hoping that the company who printed that edition will correct the error in the next printing.

Posted on: April 1, 2021


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