

Me and my class have just finished reading the book Shiloh and I love it so much! This book really made me want to write my own books! This book made me so happy and sad at some times. You have such a great imagination and you are my most favorite author! I look forward to reading more of your books! I have two questions for you what was it like writing the book Shiloh and how long did it take to write the book? I definitely look forward to reading this book over and over again it was so much fun! You are so inspiring for young readers like me! I loved reading the next chapter because I was so interested to know what happened next! Our class did multiple writing assignments over the book and I enjoyed them so much because of all the information put into each chapter!

Phyllis replied:

That’s the way I felt when I was young and my parents finished reading a good book to us.  My favorite was Mark Twain’s “Huckleberry Finn.”   Some people tell me that “Shiloh” reminds them of that book–a young person going against the law because he feels it’s the right thing to do.  Good luck writing your own stories!

Posted on: January 17, 2020


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