Shiloh book and movie


Our fourth grade class just finished reading your wonderful book “Shiloh” and watching the movie. We LOVED both! One of our question, posed by Macy T, is: Is there anything you would change about either the book or movie now if you could go back and change something?
We hope you have a Merry Christmas!

Phyllis replied:

I’m glad you were able to see the movie so you could compare the two.  I thought the producers did a good job, though I didn’t think that the addition of a girl (with a boy’s nickname) was truly necessary.  Perhaps if I were writing the book now I would have included just a bit more of Judd’s background, so the reader would have a better understanding of why he was such a mean and miserable man.  But if I’d done that, I probably wouldn’t have written the other three books in the quartet, which tells you how things finally turned out between Judd and Marty, and most of all, for Shiloh.

Posted on: December 31, 2018


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