SHILOH Zoom Sessions with author


My students would love to meet you on Zoom.  We are reading the Shiloh books in class and have so many questions.  Is it possible that this could happen?

Phyllis replied:

I have been getting so many requests for this, and I know that teachers are having a really difficult time right now, some teaching from home, some from school, on and off again, and if a 15-minute Zoom session with your class would help, I will try to fit in a few a week and see how it works out.   You’d  have to make it easy for me–have a link set up so that all I have to do is click it;  you would need to have finished reading at least the first book in the series, Shiloh,  and have a little practice with students speaking slowly and loud enough and distinct.  If you are allowing each child to ask a question, please make sure that the same questions are not being asked over and over again.   I’m sorry I can’t give you more than 15 minutes per class, but we’ll try to make each minute count.

Posted on: December 12, 2020


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