Some Things are Easy to Relate to



I LOVE the Alice books sooooo much!! I read them all the time! Ive read each of them probably over 20 times!
Some things are so easy to relate with! That’s why I love them so much. Although I am only 12, so some are harder, but somethings in them happen to me too or I feel just like she did. She’s such a great character. All of them are. My favorite is probably Gwen.

I think your writing is amazing and I can’t wait for your last book about her. 🙂

Phyllis replied:


It make sense that you can relate more easily to Alice’s years that match your own.  Just as I can relate more easily to parts of the country where I’ve lived than to places I don’t know nearly as well.  I’m so glad you enjoy the Alice books.

Posted on: February 17, 2010


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