Summers With Alice


I was thinking back to the different books I read growing up and I remembered the Alice series! In middle school, my childhood best friend and I had our own secret book club that was exclusive to just us — we would each find a book, read it, make the other read it once one was done, and later discuss everything. She came across the first Alice book and we spent all of that year and the later summers immersed in the life of Alice. I am an only child and I grew alongside Alice and felt like she was my imaginary sister or sort of guidance through a part of my adolescence. For whatever reason, ‘The Grooming of Alice’ was the last that I had read of the series. I remembered there was a website for the book and decided to Google it and more than a decade later (oh my gosh, I feel ancient right now!) the life of Alice is still very much in existence and still growing! I didn’t realize how many books there were to the collection, but it was a happy surprise. I am curious to what Alice has been up to all of these years and can’t wait to take time out of my busy day to relax with stories of Alice and her friends and family. Thank You for keeping a part of my childhood alive.

Phyllis replied:

I love the idea of you and your best friend reading the Alice books together.  I would have loved to hear some of your conversations.  The final book of the series, “Now I’ll Tell You Everything,” will be published this summer.  Publication date, August 27th.   Thanks so much for taking time to write to me.

Posted on: April 24, 2013


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