Talked for an Hour and a Half

this year i went to a new school everything went fine talking to my old friends from the school i wen to last year a guy that went to my school last year started talking to me on facebook today and i didnt think anything of it at firsti soon relized that we had been talking for an hour and a halfand that he was asking if i wuz dating any one to me it didnt seem weird d/c we had been friends last year but nothen more he wanted to know about my ex-boy why we broke up and then we were talking and he wought i love you to i didnt know wat he ment by that so i kinda just ignored that well basically my porpose for this e-mail is that he is a really really nice guy and he asked me out and i dont want to go out with him i just want to have him as a friend but he is the type of guy that is all or none at my new school i have met alot of guys that i like more than him but i just dont know wat to do i know that u cant make this choose for me that it is my choose to make but if u have a chance could u just maybe give some advice
Phyllis replied:
You need to be up-front with him from the get-go.  A guy who tells you he loves you after talking to you on Facebook is a red flag, in my book. And especially your sentence, “the type of guy that it is all or none.”  Tell him frankly, without hedging, that you’re not looking for a boyfriend right now, you just want to meet a lot of people, then stick to it.  Keep your Facebook conversations short.  If he deserves to be a friend, he’ll respect your feelings.

Posted on: September 26, 2009


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