Talks up a Storm on the Internet

there is this boy I talk to him on the internet but when I try to talk to him in person we hardly hold a conversion but on the internet we have lodes of things to talk about. I was wondering why do you think he has a hard time talking to me in person but when I talk to him on the internet he can talk up a storm? from JD P.S. I loved your new Alice book it made me happy it made me sad but it was a wonderful  addition to the Alice series.
Phyllis replied:
Some people just find it easier to talk on the Internet.  They don’t have to worry about how they look, how they will sound, how to fill in a pause, all the things you have to think about when you’re with someone in person.  When you’re together, it would help if the focus is on some project at hand, not each other.  That’s why it’s often so much easier to meet people and make friends when you’re on a committee, a volunteer job, a team, a choir–anything where you have something in common you can work on together.   

Posted on: October 20, 2009


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