Thank You


Thank you so much for writing the Alice series. Growing up, I remember first borrowing “The Grooming of Alice” from my public library, because I thought the book jacket looked “interesting.” I soon fell head over heels in love with the book. I remember being at the young age of 10, running through the library and disrupting the peace just to get my grubby little hands onto a copy. I was so inspired by Alice’s letter, I wrote one to myself. Now I’m 14 years old, and just last week while sorting through my things I opened the letter. I went back and re-read the entire series, and was once again reminded of why I love this series and will forever love it. Each girl can find a little piece of themselves in one of the characters, whether it be Elizabeth, Pamela, Gwen, Alice, Lori, or anyone. I laughed, cried, screamed and sobbed when I re-read the entire series. The Alice series truly shaped who I am today, taught me lessons in life, helped me grow along with Alice, and just today when I closed the final pages of the last book, I felt a sense of sadness, because when I closed the last page, I knew a part of my childhood had ended. Thank you, Mrs Naylor. Thank you for writing this series and helping a whole generation of girls learn and to laugh with Alice. Thank you for giving Alice the ending she deserves, and for shaping my childhood.


Phyllis replied:

I appreciated your letter so much.  It was good to know that Alice was part of your early years, and is still relevant now.  I cried too when I wrote some of the scenes that take place, and cheered in the final book when Alice finally meets up with somebody important!

Posted on: January 8, 2019


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