Thank You!!!!!!!!!


I just wanted to say thank you SO much for writing the Alice books. I feel like I am growing up with Alice, Pamela, Elizabeth, and all the others. I stumbled on one of the books a while ago and ever since they are all I want to read. I almost feel as if I know them – your books have truly inspired me. If I had the option to change anything about them I wouldn’t (except maybe that they ended). So thank you so much for writing these amazing stories. Thank you.

Phyllis replied:

I’m just delighted that you like the books so much.  They were a lot of fun to write, especially the conversations between Alice and Lester.  When I agreed to do a series on Alice, I’m glad that I was allowed to have her grow older in each book so that you could see her and her family and friends all changing and growing and yet, in some ways, staying the same.  I hope you’ll be able to locate and read all 28 books.

Posted on: April 2, 2019


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