
I am writing to let you know how grateful I am for the Alice series. I was introduced to the books as a pre-teen when my mom bought me The Agony of Alice, Alice In Lace, and Outrageously Alice at a church rummage sale. I foolishly donated these books in my mid-teenage years. Now as a twenty-eight year old woman I have spent the last few months getting reacquainted with Alice and enjoyed reminiscing and in a sense growing up together. I especially appreciated how you wrote about Alice going to Planned Parenthood as I worked for Planned Parenthood. Your telling of Alice’s appointment there is spot-on of so many patients I have personally encountered who were trying to navigate their sexual health. I cannot begin to thank you enough! Now I’ll Tell You Everything wrapped up the series perfectly! My only question – what became of Amy Sheldon? Thank you once again!
Forever grateful,

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad that you felt I handled that well.  It’s important for girls to know where to go for help, especially in the climate we live in now.   I wish I had mentioned Amy Sheldon again.  I’d like to think that Alice was able to both shield her enough, and encourage her enough, that Amy had the courage to stand up for herself and find other girls who could see her as a friend.

Posted on: October 24, 2021


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