Thank You

Every year, right after I finish your latest Alice book, I say to myself, “This is going to be the occasion where I finally write the author and say how much I love these books!” Up until now, I have failed. In any event–I have just finished “Alice in Charge”, and am cursing myself for being such a quick reader, as I now have to wait another year for “Incredibly Alice”. Still, I don’t think I could allow myself to read the books any more slowly.

I suppose what I want to say most is thank you, wholeheartedly, for these books. I am 28 years old now, and have been reading the series ever since “Alice in April” was published in 1993–when I was Alice’s exact age in the books!  As a preteen and teenager I loved and related to the books’ mixture of warm humor and poignancy; as an adult I’ve felt that I’ve been revisiting myself as I read. I revel in the fact that these are the only books that consistently make me cry, even if I’m rereading them for the third time.  I wish Alice could have been my friend when I was a teenager; I would love to have a student like her in one of my classes now.

My life has changed a lot since I first began reading these books. I went through middle and high school, then college. My parents divorced. I’ve gone from being a student to a teacher. I’ve experienced crushing heartbreak and also amazing happiness and love. As I continue becoming who I’m becoming, Alice is there to provide a small but vital tie to the girl I once was.  I’m especially glad I finished this book tonight. This is my last night alone in the apartment I’ve lived in basically since college–I’m moving to a new city to live with my fiancé, about a month and a half before our wedding. A new, strange, adult, wonderful part of my life is going to begin. I’m glad I got to spend this last night of this part of my life with my old friend. I can’t wait to see what happens to her next!

My gratitude and best wishes

Phyllis replied:


Your letter almost made me cry.  I’m so glad that Alice has been with you all these years, and that you’ve still kept the connection alive.  Makes it all worthwhile.  My very best wishes for the new chapter that is beginning in your life.

Posted on: June 19, 2010


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