Thank You for important topics


I just wanted to say thank you for writing the Alice series. I loved reading so much throughout my childhood, and even though it’s been years since I’ve read the series, I continually realize how many important topics covered in a way that is approachable to kids-from homosexuality, to religion, rebellious phases, sexual assault, suicide, etc…thank you for impacting my childhood, my understanding of the world, and my love of reading

Phyllis replied:

I’m glad to hear from you, especially with book banning beginning again in some states and cities.  The best libraries are those that try to have books for all people, all races and religions, and on as many different topics that can be handled well.  I also wish there was more communication in families between parents and children.  I’ve received numerous letters from parents saying that they object to the episodes in the Alice books dealing with sex.  “My daughter never even thinks about sex,” some of them write.  But I have received far more letters from girls saying, “My mom has no idea what goes on in my head .  I think about sex all.the.time!  I so appreciate your email.

Posted on: February 20, 2022


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