Thank you for making a 30 something woman interested in her own past experiences…

I am a student at college. I am in a Reading Literature class and I have to do an author presentation. There were qualifications that had to be met, and you fit the bill. I went to the bookstore and started my journey for the author search. I kept the qualifications in the back of my mind and went through many books. I was about to give up and ask the teacher to assign me someone she knew, when I saw an Alice book. I started to read it and thought this sounds like something fun to read. (I am not an everyday reader for myself, but do read to my children) To my surprise I am hooked and want to know what Al is up to next. Thank you for making a 30 something woman interested in her own past experiences, even though they are someone else’s, they are my own in some way too. I am enjoying them and can’t wait to share them with my daughters when they get older.

PHYLLIS Replied:
It’s wonderful hearing from adults who enjoy the Alice books. It’s especially nice to hear that you are planning to share them with your daughters.

Posted on: March 26, 2009


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