Thank you for the Witch books!


This isn’t actually a question, I just really wanted to tell you how much I loved your witch series books. As an eight or nine year old in a school in London your books enthralled me. They made my imagination come alive and I was riveted by them. I actually felt like I was a character in them. I was only able to read the first two as at the time we had no others in our library but maybe the others hadn’t been written then. For years I would look for your witch saga books in bookstores here but could never find them. Then whilst looking you up on the internet I found that you had written a whole series of witch books. I now have all six and even though three of them are pre owned I was over the moon to have them, I am waiting for a time to sit down, get cosy and read them one after the other. Even though I am 49! A good book is a good book whether you are 8 or 80! Thank you to you and Judy Blume for giving me a love of reading. What a wonderful gift you both possess.
With love to you,

Phyllis replied:
I’m so glad you found them all!  the first three came out from one publisher, and the next three, from another but they are one continued story.  I had so much fun writing them.  I had set out to write a truly scary story, and I tried to think what was the scariest thing that could happen.  Then I remembered a nightmare I’d had when I was very young–that my dear sweet mother had somehow had her legs chopped off at the knees and she was chasing me for some reason through the house, bumping along on these bloody stumps, and I was screaming, begging her to stop, but she kept coming.  I decided that the scariest thing was to have the person you loved and trusted most in the world suddenly turn against you, and that this would happen in the place you usually felt most secure.  Therefore the witch books take place right in the girls’ homes–in their bedrooms, even, and the person put in charge of them in many instances, is the person who wants to do them in.  Not for the faint of heart!


Posted on: March 24, 2019


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