Thank you for this series!


Hello Ms. Naylor, Having just finished reading the final Alice book, I feel compelled to reach out and thank you for writing this series. Each of these books has brought tears to my eyes for all manner of reasons, primarily that I see so much of myself in Alice and like many readers I see her as a friend. Thank you for showing the rest of Alice’s life in the final book, which I thought was wrapped up just beautifully. All of these characters have felt like real people to me for so many years as I have paced myself while reading the books, and saying a final “goodbye” was hard but I will never forget them! These books have a special place on my bookshelf and in my heart, so thank you again!

Phyllis replied:

Thank you so much for your email.  It was hard for me to say a final goodbye too.  For 28 years I had spent six months of each year writing an Alice book, and it was hard to let go.  But I had so many other books I wanted to write. When Alice wasn’t being me, she also seemed my best friend.   I’m delighted that the books so much to you.

Posted on: March 28, 2020


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