Thank You For Writing.


I just wanted to say thank you. I think I started reading your series at my local library in elementary school; to be honest, I don’t even remember why, out of so many books, I happened to pick up my first Alice book. But I’m so grateful that I did. Alice, her family, her friends, her boyfriends, they all changed my life over the years. I remember going to a book drive where they were selling gently used books for a cause, and I was so excited to find Alice in Rapture, Sort of. I know I’m rambling, but I just found this website, so I wanted to thank you. I’m now 16, about to turn 17, but I’ve kept up and reread your books throughout the years. There’s no series like yours that kept me happy and laughing. So again, thank you. I wanted to ask a question too- why did you decide to make Alice tone deaf? Also, do Elizabeth, Pamela, and Alice end up keeping in touch for the rest of their lives?


Phyllis replied:

I wanted Alice to be different from her dad in some profound way.  Music is his life, and she has a hard time telling one note from another.  But I think the reader can feel his love for her nonetheless, and Alice is secure in that love. As for your second question, have you read the very last book in the series, “Now I’ll Tell You Everything?”   Thanks so much for writing to me.

Posted on: January 13, 2019


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