Thank you! I love your series!


I am fourteen years old and I am a huge reader and once my mom took me to a bookstore a few months back I saw your first few collection books and I read the back and it sounded like an amazing book so we bought them, once I finished a few other books I was reading I started the first Alice book and all I could say was wow I read the book in one weekend and after I was done with the second book and halfway towards the third book my mom ordered me the next one and it was gone in two days now, but we ended up buying the last one because I am addicted to this series I finished it in one day, the number of times I’ve cried, laughed and feared for the characters have shown me a lot about growing up as I said earlier I am 14 and I am starting my freshman year soon in a few months but living through the world with Alice’s point of view I am more ready than ever. I was wondering how did you come up with these ideas for this amazing series, Thank you.

Phyllis replied:

I enjoyed your email very much, and am so glad you are reading the series.  You didn’t mention any titles, though, so I’m not sure just which of the Alice’s books you have read.  This may give you information you already know, but there are 28 books in the series beginning with the three prequels.  So the very first of the whole series is Starting with Alice.  And the final book, taking her from age 18 to 60, is Now I’ll Tell You Everything.  I wanted to write a book about a girl without a mom, who’s being raised by her dad and brother.  (That book, The Agony of Alice, is actually number 4 in the series.)  Once it was published, readers asked for more, and I told my editor I’d make it a series if I could write only one a year and that Alice could grow a little older in each book.   She agreed.   Happy reading!

Posted on: April 5, 2020


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