Thank you! Netflix series?


Just wanted to say a quick thank you! I first discovered the Alice books in 4th grade and read them every year until my freshman year in college when the final book came out. Alice was always the same age as me in the books and I feel like I grew up with her.
I’m now 25 and am making time to re-read “Now I’ll Tell You Everything” and I’m loving every minute of it. The Alice books have been such a huge part of my life and I really hope they make it into a Netflix series or movie!

Phyllis replied:

That’s an interesting thought.  I don’t know if there has ever been a series in which the main character goes from 8 years old to 60!  Of course, it did take me 28 years to write the books–one book a year.  But it’s so gratifying to hear from women in their twenties and thirties who are now sharing the books with their daughters.  Thanks so much for writing to me!

Posted on: March 27, 2020


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