Thank you so much for everything you’ve done

Dear Phyllis,
I just wanted to thank you for writing the Alice series. I met Alice when I was in junior high and I’m now nearing my university graduation. I remember all of my tears and laughter from Alice’s first drumming lesson with Patrick, their horrible breakup, the sleepover with Arabian Nights to Alice’s dad finally marrying Sylvia. Though I may go months or even years without reading an Alice book (my library has limited selection), every time I pick one up I feel as if I’m home again. When the series finally reaches its end someday (I wish it wouldn’t), it’ll be like saying goodbye to an old friend.
Thank you so much for everything you’ve done and sharing your Alice universe with us.

PHYLLIS replied:

I don’t know HOW I’m going to feel when the series ends–like my daughter’s left home, I guess–but it’s nice to know you’ll miss her too. I think the very last book in the series will bring things around full circle, however. Right now I’m working on the book due out next year, which I’m going to title ALICE IN CHARGE. You won’t want to miss the Alice book coming this June, with something major happening: INTENSELY ALICE. I imagine that as she gets older, she has more in common with you, and I appreciate so much your taking time from your own busy schedule to write to me.

Posted on: February 17, 2009


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