Thanks for Creating a Character…


I hope this letter finds you in good health. I just felt like it was due time that I sent one of my favorite authors a piece of fan mail. I’m now 21 years old, about to enter my senior year of college and I have been reading the Alice books for around 12 years now, easily. I just wanted to thank you for creating a character that is so easy to relate to–and for making her have friends and family that we can relate to, also. I just ordered my copy of “Incredibly Alice,” and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival. It’s going to be a sad day when there are no more Alice books to look forward to, but that just means I’ll have to reread the series and pick up any details I’ve otherwise overlooked. Thanks for making Alice be such a big part of all of our lives.


Phyllis replied:


Thank you so much for taking time to write to me.  I love hearing from readers who have followed  Alice through their college years, and there seem to be so many of you.  I’m going to miss her too when the series is over, since she’s probably the daughter I never had, but then, if I’d had a daughter, perhaps I’d never have started the series.   I’m delighted to know she’s meant so much to you.

Posted on: May 29, 2011


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