The First to Make Me Cry


I was wondering when you were going to put up an excerpt from Incredibly Alice? Soon I hope:)
I love you’re book’s, their what got me to read more. I used to hate reading until my sister-in-law gave me one of the Alice book’s (Alice In-between) Now I’ve red them all, which I did in a few months. 🙂 Also you’re books are the first to make me cry, and I mean really full-out cry, Which is one of the things I love about them. I like it when I can read a book and feel so in tune with the Characters that I cry when they cry. I can’t wait for the new one to come out!!! 

Phyllis replied:

I’m pleased to know they affected you so much.  I’ll ask my editor to please put an excerpt up on the Alice website.

Posted on: April 16, 2011


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