The Girl Who Feels Left Out



I was reading the letter about the girl who feels left out when her friends fawn over their boyfriends. I love the advice you gave. 
I have been my own best friend for many years. Generally, I like it, but sometimes it gets lonely. I do all sorts of activities and things, but I’ve never found someone who really clicks. Why do you think this is? 
& I also really liked the way you dealt with religion in intensely alice- not taking sides at all. 

Phyllis replied:

When you say “someone,” are we talking  boyfriend or girlfriend?  Since I don’t know you, I have no answers as to why nothing has “clicked,” but I also don’t know how long you’ve been hoping to meet someone.  Sometimes you have to ask yourself if things seem to go all right when you first meet and then the other person cools, or if the other person seems to like you more than you like him/her, or vice versa.  If  this has been going on for a long time, do you know any friend close enough whom you could ask if you have some correctible trait or habit you could work on?  Thank you for your email.  I do appreciate it.

Posted on: August 1, 2009


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