The Guy Totally Ignores Her



I love your books but I have a problem. Lately the “popular” kids have been wanting to hangout  I have always been in the middle not a nerd or a popular.   I always wanna bring my bff with me they like her to but she doesn’t wanna she says she feels like she always feels like she has 2 impress them and feels intimidated by them. I really wanna hangout with them though the guy she likes knows she likes him and totally ignores her and acts weird in front of her on purpose. And today he asks me for my number I panicked so I gave it to him. I know she will be mad even though it doesn’t really mean anything! PLEASE HELP!



Phyllis replied:


There is no rule that says a girl can claim a guy for her own if they aren’t even going out.  If you could never go out with any guy that any other girl had a crush on, most of the boys at school would be off-limits.  Obviously, if a guy and girl are starting to like each other and flirting a lot, you don’t want to try to lure him away or even encourage him.  Maybe you and your friend need to have a talk about how she would feel if a guy you liked preferred her.  Admit it’s a sticky situation.  But please don’t worry so much about giving the boy your phone number.  You ARE allowed to have friends and phone conversations, remember.  If it develops into more than that, then you and your friend need to talk.

Posted on: November 20, 2009


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