The Legacy of Alice


Hi Phyllis,

I just finished reading "Intensely Alice", and it was wonderful as usual. I
sobbed my way through the last few chapters. I really love how Alice has grown
through the books. It will be an impossibly long 12 months until the next

I've been reading Alice since I was eighteen; my best friend Mandy turned me
onto them when she was a page at the library. We're in our thirties now, and
work together at a newspaper. (I wrote to you awhile back about how Alice books
were my guilty pleasure!) I received "Intensely Alice" through the mail from
Amazon today, and immediately ran it up to her on the 3rd floor for the
ceremonial book unveiling. I finished it in 2 and a half hours tonight and will
pass it on to her tomorrow. In many ways I am the Pamela of our friendship, and
Mandy is the Elizabeth. But we both see a bit of ourselves in Alice, which is
what makes Alice so great- she's easy to relate to.

I have an 11-year-old daughter, who unfortunately does not share my love of
reading. But her school has this wonderful program called "Accelerated Reading",
which she participates in. She read "Shiloh" earlier this year and really liked
it. Last week she came to me and asked my opinion of what she should read next.
I was so excited! I gave her "Alice in April". I read the first couple of
chapters out loud to her, and she really got into it. She was enthralled with
the whole "naming states" thing. "What about Utah? What about New Mexico?" she
kept asking. LOL. She finished the whole book in 2 days. I've got her on "All
But Alice" next. It's so nice to be able to share these with her, finally.

Thanks so much for continuing with the legacy of Alice!

Phyllis replied:

It really makes my day when I hear that mothers and daughters are enjoying the Alice books together, and I got a laugh out of you and your friend. I think there's a little bit of Pamela and Elizabeth and Alice is all of us, and I loved the ceremonial unveiling.  Enjoy!


Posted on: June 4, 2009


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