The memory I’ve created with my son


My son read Shiloh with his class last year. I was, at that point completely oblivious to your work. My introduction came earlier this school year when he chose Shiloh-Season for his very 1st book report. Up to now, it is the only book I’ve seen him pick up to read on his own. Subsequently, we read Saving Shiloh together, aloud taking turns reading to each other, and we just checked out Shiloh Christmas last week. Mam, I am a 51 year old man who lives in Colorado with absolutely no discernible connection to West Virginia or the small town lifestyle of the Preston’s. I have, for my entire life loathed reading books. I am not sentimental by nature nor am I religious so no explanation of divine intervention is readily apparent. You may be amused to know that when Judd Travers waded into the creek, and then was being interviewed for the paper and he said that he had to save Shiloh because Shiloh had saved him, I was bawling like a baby, to the point I had to stop twice to regain my composure and pretend (not convincingly by the way), that I had something in my eyes and cough/choke at the same time. I apologize for the length of this message, I just really need to thank you for the memory I have created with my son that I know each of us will treasure for as long as we live. I am forever grateful.

Phyllis replied:

I hope you don’t mind my reprinting part of your letter.  You must know that I cried while I was writing some parts of the Shiloh series too.  I’m just delighted that you shared these books with your son, and that it meant so much to you both.  You may want to rent the movie “Shiloh.”  In fact, the first three Shiloh books were made into movies, but the first one, especially, really comes to life.  Of course, in “Saving Shiloh,” that rescue is dramatic…..  But I thank you in return for your letter.  It was the one bright spot in a weekend spent wrestling with a new novel I’m writing that is currently much too long….

Posted on: March 11, 2019


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