The Most Influential Series I’ve Ever Read

I began reading the Alice series when I was twelve years old. Now I am 19 and halfway through my first year of college. I remember waiting for each book to come out and getting excited when I happened to find a new one at the library. These books saw me through confusing times in middle school, and awkward times in high school. When I found “Now I’ll Tell You Everything” on a shelf the other day, I wasn’t sure how I would feel after finishing it; I thought it would be like losing a best friend. In a way, its bittersweet, but I cant imagine a better ending. I truly feel that this is the most influential series of books I have ever read. I just want to thank you for writing such an incredible series. I hope that if I ever have a daughter, she will connect on the same level with these books as I have. Thank you so much.

Phyllis replied:
Thank you for being such a loyal reader.  I hope any daughters you have will enjoy them as much as you have.

Posted on: December 11, 2013


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