The Reason I Stay up Late at Night

 I am a die hearted Alice fan from New York.  I’ve been reading your Alice books since the 6th grade.  My wonderful 6th grade English teacher introduced me to your books one day after I got tired of raiding through her tiny library and complained to her that I have nothing to read.  Now, I’m ususally not someone who complains but boy was I glad that I did that day.  Had I not done that, I don’t think I would be reading your wonderful Alice books.  I usually don’t write to authors but when I do write, that means that the book that I am reading must be superb!
I was estatic when Borders bookstore sent me an email about your upcoming Alice book, Intensely Alice.  I nearly jumped out of my seat, screaming in delight because I waited a whole year to read about what’s going to happen in the next chapter of Alice’s life.  One the release day of Intensely Alice, I ran to the book store during my lunch break but I was so diappointed when I discovered that Borders did not have it in stock.  But as a big fan of Alice, I was determined to buy a copy.  That following weekend, I brought my copy, and read it in four hours.  I must say, it was a very good book.  The story did make me a little sad towards the end. Your book was so well written that I could feel Alice’s pain and shock. I absotutely love how you brought Patrick back into Alice’s life!  I think he is the perfect match for Alice.  PLEASE make them get back together in your future books!  I think many readers would love to see that happen.  There is no other guy that is more perfect for Alice than Patrick, not even Scott, Sam, or Tony.  I strongly believe that Faith has decided that Patrick shall be with Alice!
I think the reasons why I adore the Alice books is because Alice is so real.  She’s a teenager like me, whose going through High School with drama, sadness, happiness, and unexpected events.  Alice is the reason why I stay up late at night.  She brightens my day and makes reading fun! I still enjoy reading the prequels!  Alice will be one of those books that I will never ever get tired of reading.
Now we must wait another year for another Alice book. Good luck on your future Alice books! Keep writing Ms. Naylor!

Phyllis replied:

I’m so glad that you finally got a copy of the new Alice book.  A year is a long time to wait for the next book, I know.  There will be 28 Alice books in all, and if you ever see your 6th grade English teacher, please give her a hug for me.

Posted on: June 8, 2009


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