The Shiloh movie


if you were the editor of the movie would you make any changes.

Phyllis replied:

Yes.  I would try to find a four-room house for Marty’s family, and put him on the couch at night, not a bedroom with football decorations.  I think I would have the father a bit more gentle–more tired than authoritarian.  But it was great being on the set for some of the scenes.  Shiloh was played by two different beagle actors who traveled by plane to the set and were taught their parts.  When one got tired, the other took over.  While all the other actors loved talking and playing with those two beagles when they were between scenes, the actor who played Judd was not allowed near them.  He could not pet them or get friendly in any way.  The producers did not want any scene to show Shiloh wagging his tail when Judd approaches….

Posted on: February 15, 2019


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