The Sister I Never Had


I’m writing you to tell you how much the Alice books have meant to me over the years. I first read “Alice in Lace” when I was in fourth grade, and I immediately went to the library to read all of the books in order. Well, all of the books out at the time. Now I’m a high school junior, and I can’t believe how much time has passed since fourth grade. Throughout it all, I’ve looked forward to and enjoyed every new Alice book. Alice is one of my favorite characters of all time, and as I read now about her exploits in her senior year, it helps me to get a little preview of what my life might be like in a year. I’ve been fortunate to grow up with Alice, always with her a small step ahead of me, and when the final book is published next May, it will be just weeks before my own high school graduation. I just wanted to take the time to thank you for giving me Alice, the older sister I never had, to help me make it through all the good and bad of growing up.

I loved hearing that she was the older sister you never had.  Thanks so much for your email. 
Posted on: December 24, 2011


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