The Whole Series



Hi Mrs.Naylor I can’t belive i found your email address I hope this is real! 🙂 I just wanted to say I LOVE YOUR ALICE BOOKS! Im working on reading the whole series this year. They really inspire me and make me laugh! Im a 7th grader so I understand some of the things Alice goes through. I wish I had her books at home.At my school library we don’t have all the books so its impossible for me to read the whole series! 🙁 but im gonna try the town library and hopefully they have them,if they dont…..I don’t know what I would do. I’d probably start crying i want to buy the whole series but I just can’t right now. My parents have already spent so much money buying stuff for me that I don’t really need now that I think about it.Well,I just wanted to say I love your Alice books and it would mean the world to me if you wrote back to me! I know you probably get a TON of email but I hope that you read mine. 🙂
Thanks for making and writing the Alice Series
Phyllis replied: probably has all my books, and bookstores could special- order them for you.  But see if your librarian won’t  get the ones you want on “inter-librarian loan.”  That means the librarian finds out what other library has the book, orders it, waits until it’s available and is sent, then notifies you that the book is in.  It takes some work on the librarian’s part and it takes patience on yours, but it’s one way to get the books without purchasing them.  I’m so glad you like the series.
Posted on: October 4, 2011


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