The Witch Saga

As a small child I loved reading your books about Lynn and Mouse’s fight against the evil Mrs. Tuggle. They were so delightfully creepy! As an adult, I happened to come across my old copies and was pleased to find them just as enjoyable as I remembered them. I was also reminded again that growing up, I always wanted to live in the small town described in the stories (I grew up in Dallas, myself).
I was curious if you based Mrs. Tuggle’s town of residence on a real place. I read on your bio page that you grew up in Indiana, so it seemed likely that you were describing some place you had known. Of course I realize it was fictionalized, but I loved the descriptions of the autumn leaves and snowy winters and would be interested to know the general area so I could run through it on my cross-country road trip.

Thanks, and thanks again for your wonderful books!
Phyllis replied:
I wish there was a place I could refer you to, but the whole atmosphere came from my imagination.  I’m glad it was so real for you.  I lived in several places, both in Anderson, where I was born, and Muncie.  The houses always seem enormous to me, but when I once made a journey back to find the old homesteads, I was amazed at how tiny the houses really were.  I hope you were able to read all six books.  For those unfamiliar with the witch books: Witch’s Sister, Witch Water, The Witch Herself, The Witch’s Eye, Witch Weed, and The Witch Returns.  I had always loved scary books as a kid, so I set out to write the scariest books I could think of, and some people feel I succeeded.

Posted on: July 8, 2013


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