There’s Always an Alice Book

Hey Phillis!
I just wanted to let you know how much your books mean to me. There are so many times in life where something happens to me and immediately I think of an Alice book. A few weeks ago I didn’t pass my driving test and I thought it was the end of the world. I cried all the way home, then I remembered the same thing happening to Alice in Alice on her way. as soon as I got home I read the same thing that had just happened to me happening to Alice, it made me feel like I wasn’t alone and just like Alice I passed on my second try. It’s just one example, but this really happens a lot. There is so many things to relate to Alice, whatever age you are and whatever you are going through, theres an Alice book for that! I can’t imagine my life without reading them, I started in 5th grade. I have learned so much. It’s funny how my 8 year old sister likes these books too, even though she has only read the prequils it’s still fun.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I am excited for this June! And June 2013, that book will be a graduation present to myself lol


Phyllis replied:

I loved hearing about your experience, and that an Alice book was helpful.  When the last Alice book is published in 2013, I’ll ask my readers to tell me their favorite scene out of all the Alice books, and I’ll post them here on this page.  It will be fun to relive them, and see what other readers liked best.


Posted on: February 15, 2011


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