Trembling with Excitement


I’m so excited to be comunicating with you (sorry I have the worst spelling)! Ive been reading your books since I was 8. You gave me the talk! Well Im twelve now, and Ive read everyone of your books. I have them all on my Nook.(thanks for putting them on ebook, by the way) Sorry for getting sidetracked, Im just really, really, really, EXCITED! But annnnyyyywaaaay, I was wondering if there is anything I can do to make myself not as excited. Seriously, I think of it all day long, and what can make me less excited? Can you tell me anything about the book? Are you finished with it at least? When exactly is it coming out? Do you have any tips for me? I love Sarah Dessen, too! Which book was your favorite, Ive read almost all of them. Are you making any appearences in central Jersey soon? You are my idol……….
             Trembling with excitement for the next year
Phyllis replied:
I’m glad you’re so excited about the book.  I can’t tell you any more secrets about it than I’ve already leaked out on this website, but the book will be much longer than the usual Alice book, and I think you’ll like it.  My publisher plans to send me on tour next fall, but I don’t know yet what cities I’ll be signing in, or when.  When I know, I’ll post it on this website.
Posted on: August 28, 2012


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