Two Generations of Alice Fans


I remember reading the Alice books as a kid and teen. I loved them, and re-read them many times in the 90’s. When I was pregnant with my first child, I started thinking of favorite book characters for baby names. As you may have guessed, my daughter is named Alice! She is seven years old, and has just read the first two Alice books. She LOVES them, and we wanted to tell you thank you for writing these books.

My Alice wants to know how long it takes you to write an Alice book.

I’ve loved sharing the Alice books with her, and look forward to reading more as she grows up.

Alice & Jessica

Phyllis replied:

I love knowing that moms are sharing the Alice books with their daughters (and sons).  I know that some school librarians have organized Alice “mother and daughter clubs,” where they read the books aloud and discuss them afterwards.   I usually set aside six months to write an Alice book, though it usually took less time than that because I knew her and her family and friends so well in my head.  Then I used the other six months of the year to work on any book other than Alice.

Posted on: January 11, 2022


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