Unexpected Pleasures

I ordered a copy of Unexpected Pleasures last week.  It was so hard to find, the only copy I could get was an old library book.  I’m a bit OCD about books, so I was upset at first that I couldn’t get a hold of a new copy.  However, after reading half of it, I’ve become very attached to the poor worn out book with “WITHDRAWN” stamped across it half a dozen times.  It’s a first edition and not in that bad of shape.  I can’t help but wonder if it was removed from the “Susquehanna County Library” because of its sensitive subject matter.  I just finished my freshman year of college this past week during summer classes, and I must admit, it took quite a bit of willpower to stay focused on totalitarianism and existentialism, knowing Unexpected Pleasures was on my bookshelf waiting for me.  More than once I panicked, thinking, “Oh no! I’m missing it!”  Then I would realize, “Oh wait. It’s a book, it won’t keep going without me.”  In short, I love your story of Foster and April, and I can’t wait to finish it up this weekend!
Phyllis replied:
I’m so glad you’re enjoying it.  That is probably my favorite of all my books–certainly one that I enjoyed more than any of the others.  I too fell in love with shy Foster and feisty  April Ruth Bates, and loved every minute of writing about them.  I was especially delighted when I found a real live bridge builder who was part of a raising gang, just as Foster was, so he was a great help to me in writing the book.  A Hollywood producer was interested in making a movie of it, and came to Maryland to tour the countryside around the Bay, attend a tobacco auction, eat in a restaurant like the City Chicken, and she loved the book too, but in the end, couldn’t get funding for it, so the project was dropped.  But Foster and April will stay in my head forever.

Posted on: July 29, 2013


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