Unexpected Pleasures

I was catching up on your blog this afternoon and found that another one of your readers just read Unexpected Pleasures too! I couldn’t find it in any library within a hundred miles of me, so I bought it on Amazon about two months ago, and finished it in one day. What a beautiful book! One of the things I appreciate about you as a writer is that you always surprise me. This book was full of surprises. Foster and April were so well written and easy to identify with, I’ll never forget them. I put the book on my favorites list before I was even finished with it. (I have a VERY long list of every book I’ve read since I was 10, and I have a special list of only my favorites. Unexpected Pleasures made the list for sure.)
However, I am extremely disappointing with how obscure this book is. Have you considered re-releasing it, or doing something to get it a little more attention? This needs to reach a wider audience!
Anyway, I’m recommending it to as many people as I can.

p.s Can’t wait for the last Alice book. I grew up with her. And after mourning the ending of the series for over a year, I finally feel ready for the last book.
Phyllis replied:
Believe me, I mourn it too.  That’s my all-time favorite book (of my own, I mean).  I should tell you that two movie producers were interested in making it into a movie.  One of them even came to this area and drove with me and my husband to many of the places mentioned. We found a restaurant similar to what I thought The City Chicken would look like and ate there (the walls covered with velvet paintings of Elvis Presley), we went through a tobacco auction, crossed the Bay Bridge…..  But she couldn’t get funding, and the other producer died.  Back then I thought that Sissy Spacek would be perfect to play April Ruth and Robert Duvall to play Foster.  I’m so glad you found a copy.  I love that book to death.

Posted on: August 5, 2013


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