Use of Shiloh


I teach 3rd grade and we use Bookworms Curriculum for our reading and writing programs. We were just about to start reading Shiloh in class. With the current situation, we would like to still read this book with our students. Would you allow us to download a copy of your book to share with students? We would love to give them a copy of the book but we are not allowed into our classrooms to get them. Please let me know. Thank you!

Phyllis replied:

I have emailed my editor, who is working from home–away from her New York office–but she hasn’t replied yet.  I know she is swamped.  We can give permission for you to read the book aloud to your class over a private channel–to be used only for this particular crisis–but no one has asked so far to download copies of the whole book for each student, so I don’t know if that will be possible.

Posted on: April 16, 2020


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