Using Marijuana

hi :). i like your book beacuase im still trying to figure out life and your books help me solve some of my problems when i see them reflected through Alice’s eyes. i was reading one of the books the other day and it was talking about how brian smoked weed, and i was wondering some things about that. i know its against the law, but so many people do it. and so many people say it should legalized. i get confused, because my original instinct says that its bad, but when i see all the people at my school doing it it seems like maybe it is okay and im just not gutsy enough to try it. if it feels good, doesnt cause you health problems, and it is not addicting….why is it wrong? please reply! Thanks!!!
Phyllis replied:
I’m not an authority on the use of marijuana, and I think perhaps the jury is still out as to its harmful effects.   But since there is so much controversy about it, and many do claim to have been harmed, I would certainly not try it myself.  Personally, I don’t like the idea of having to rely on something to distort reality in some way in order to enjoy myself.  There are enough pleasurable harmless things I can do to have fun.

Posted on: January 8, 2010


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